Linux and PHP web application support and development (Bromsgrove, UK)


Two Factor Authentication for remote SSH users (using google authenticator)

Using Google’s Authenticator, we can change a Debian Linux host to make it require two factor authentication for remote users (or selected users based on name/ip address) as follows.

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Ansible – System configuration management and orchestration

With the increasing prevalence of virtual machines, cloud servers and so on, performing systems administration is becoming more time consuming (more servers = more work!). One approach at solving this has been through the use of system management tools like puppet, cfengine and chef. In our case, when we’ve looked at these in the past, […]

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Geary kickstarter

We and others have sponsored the “kickstarter” campaign for Geary (a new desktop email client for Linux). “Geary is a new email reader for GNOME designed to let you read your email quickly and effortlessly. Its interface is based on conversations, so you can easily read an entire discussion without having to click from message to […]

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